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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

Jeremy Arnold 1227

President's Letter, March 2022

News and updates from Cad

This time I’ve got to start by saying thank you.

Thank you to all the volunteers who gave up their weekend to help making the dinghy show such a success. Association members gave up their time to collect display frames from Essex, bring boats from Cumbria and Nottinghamshire, build the stand, talk enthusiastically and then,  at the end of the weekend, pack it all up for next time.  It’s the tireless energy, good nature and enthusiasm that makes this class what it is.

Last newsletter, I was asking you to hold back removing the 5kg of lead from your boats. Now, I’m very pleased to announce the plan for removing the lead is now well underway. Our class measurers are working their way around the fleets to monitor the removal. Full details of this process our published on our website. However, please remember the first rule of this process:

The boat owner must be a fully paid up member of the UK Flying 15 association 

For those of you where a measurer does not visit your local fleet, there are opportunities to remove the weight after racing finishes on Saturday of the Datchet Open and on the Friday afternoon of the weekend of the Northerns at Royal Windermere. Once again, I’d like to thank the measurers for giving up their time to help the class.

For some of us, the goal is to qualify for the UK team for the 2023 worlds in Australia. Keith Jamieson has been in contact with shipping agents GAC Pindar and the current quote for a container still remains at £10k out  and £7k back. We work on the basis of fitting 6 boats into a container. However, in the current climate, shipping costs are very variable.

I’m very pleased to see the Open meeting circuit has started with the Ovington Inlands at Grafham Water. It was a great to catch up with old friends and I’d particularly like to welcome Shane McCarthy to the fleet, who’s over from Ireland. Shane is using HD sails, previously these sails have been seen on the last boat to win the Cowes Nationals – the fabulously named Ken Dodd’s dad’s dog’s dead. It’s easy for you to say!

The fleet returns to Grafham in May for the combined class Inland Championship where we will be joined by the classic fleet sailing with a separate start for the Classic National Championships. So, come on classic owners, come and join us for a fun and friendly weekend of great sailing. It would be very helpful if classic owners could drop Graham or Jordan a line if you intend to come – see their article on the website.

Now, just a word of warning to all you fair weather sailors, for the last 18 months we have been sheltering from a storm and we are not as hardy as we once were. Please look after you selves when you hit the water for the first time and it might be especially useful to wear some gloves as your last President Tim O’Brian found out.

Ian Cadwallader

Flying 15 4055


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