- Is it "a dinghy with a keel?"
- Is it "the most fun two people can have on a three-sail reach?"
- Is it "the only logical step when you're tired of falling out of dinghies?"
- Is it "the one of the largest one-design keelboat fleets in the world?"
It's all these things and much, much more!
Go and try one now, discover where we sail.
So what is a Flying 15?
The International Flying Fifteen is an exciting two person racing keelboat; it has the characteristics of a dinghy, it planes (you get wet), it’s exhilarating, it’s small enough to trail to open meetings, there is competitive fleet sailing, it involves a great bunch of people young and old, and you have fun on the water and ashore.
Portsmouth Yardsticks: Primary PY number is - 1028.
The Silver and Classic fleet numbers are advisory are set at the following - Silver - 1044; Classic - 1056.
We race at a number of sailing clubs located throughout the UK, so no matter where you are based there’s always great sailing within reasonable travelling distance. We race at sea, estuaries & on inland waters, to which the Flying Fifteen is well suited.
We encourage racing at all levels and club sailing is the backbone of fleets throughout the world; we have a full range of open events for those who wish to travel, regional travelling series for those new to travelling, and a full program of regional, national and international championships. The National and regional championships regularly attract over 50 boats at these events, we regularly sail at all the top venues or popular sailing destinations. Our World and European championships are on alternate years, with the world championships alternating between the northern and southern hemispheres. We have recently seen the emergence of events in France and Belgium for the keen traveler.
We also encourage competition in older boats and have a very active classic division (for sail numbers 2700 and below) and a silver fleet division (for sail numbers between 2701 and 3400). With boats remaining competitive for many years entry to the class can be at a reasonable price point, with new prizes being offered for new comers and the youth element of our fleet.
The first world championships were held in Perth, Australia in 1979 and subsequently have alternated between the Northern and Southern hemispheres biennially. The British, Australians and New Zealanders tend to be the biggest protagonists but the class is gaining in popularity in Europe; the first European Championships taking place in Spain in May 2004 to acknowledge this fact.
With nearly 4000 flying fifteens built to date (a large proportion of these are still sailing some where in the world) you are buying into what really is the most popular small keelboat in the world. So come and see what you have been missing and get into a fifteen today.