To Add your Boat or Equipment
Please enter your boat (or equipment or sails) for sale details on this page to place the advert.
You should include a photo of your boat or equipment with your advert as this will help it stand out on Facebook.
Applications will be moderated and may be delayed until confirmation of payment (see payment methods below) has been received at the UKFFA Office.
Tips for posting an advert.
Please read the detailed technical instructuions highlighted in YELLOW here
1) You do not need to say 'Flying Fifteen' [for sale] - we don't sell anything else. If you want your add to be found on the web via a search add tags in the appropriate place.
2) You do not need to say 'For Sale' - the clue is in the name of the page. See 1 above for search info.
3) Please state the price and the sail number clearly in the header
4) Include your full contact details
5) A picture tells a story, include pictures it will help the sale (unless your boat is a shed of course)
6) No comercial or professional sales agents this page is for sales between individuals, and members. If you are a business we have comercial advertising rates, please apply to the association office.
7) The associsation offers no waranty or guarantees on the items sold on this website.
8) Caveat Emptor - verify and satisfy yourself of ownership before buying or handing over cash.
9) Sellers - be suspicious of scams, people offering large sums for boats asking for 'change' etc.
10) We are attempting to stadardise adverts, 'most' are now in the standard format, ask for advice if unsure. We reserve the right to amend adverts to best fit our pages and remove inappropriate content.
Your boat/equipment will be added to the database for up to six months unless you add your own expiry date.
If you wish to update or remove the advertisement contact the Boats for Sale Administrator or the Webmaster.
Fees due
Flying 15 Association members: £5.00.
Non members/Trade: £10.00 per advert.
Payment methods
1. Send cheque made payable to BIFFA, with the your telephone number, boat class and sail number on the back, to:
Mr Keith Jamieson, 4 Lound Street, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 7EA.
2. Email the Secretary to request bank details for direct payment OR Phone on 07977 59167.
3. Pay online using GoCardless using the appropriate button below.
The Association is now using GoCardless to accept payments.
You will be required to enter you banking details when you are transferred to their website. The Association retains no financial information on this website.
You will be taken to the GoCardless website to complete your purchase and returned to this website afterwards.
Association Members