We are just a couple of weeks away from the RYA Dinghy Show at Farnborough, and as usual there will be a Flying Fifteen stand at the show. In fact, with new boat registrations up this year, and plenty of interest in the class, we’re also expecting to see Fifteens featuring on one or two trade stands this year, showing off the latest kit and fit-out ideas.
And on the class stand? Well if the stars align, and with a following wind, we should have something a bit different this year. Intrigued? Come along on February 22/23 and find out…!
The reason for all this interest in the class, of course, is coming up in August this year. The venue is the WPNSA, Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour, for a two-week event including: the UK National Championship, World Championship and International Championship.
If you entered the qualifying series last year, and have been successful in securing a place, you should already have heard from us. Please confirm as soon as possible that you wish to take up the place. If you don’t get a place in this initial allocation, there’s still a chance to qualify through the UK Nationals.
But even if you don’t qualify for the Worlds, you can still come and enjoy 2 weeks of Flying Fifteen sailing by entering the
International Championship. This will be sailed in parallel with the Worlds, on the more sheltered water of Portland Harbour, and is ideal for Classic and Silver boats as well as open fleet boats. Entry will open on 1 March, and if you plan to enter the International Championship please do so as early as possible or let me (or anyone on the UKFFA committee) know now, as this is important for the event planning. For more information, come and speak to us at the Dinghy Show, or see the Notice of Race on the WPNSA website.
One final point on the Worlds. Shipping boats around the world for events like this is getting more and more difficult, and some of our friends in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and elsewhere have enquired about borrowing boats. If you have a competitive boat that you don’t plan to sail yourself, and are willing to help, please get in touch.
That’s all for now, see you at the show at the end of the month!
Bill Chard,
GBR 4069