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A preview of the Flying 15 World Championships 2025

WPSNA -10th-21st August

Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy ‘WPSNA’ will be hosting the World and International Championships between 10th-21st August. The Notice of Race is available on the WPSNA event page, entry date will open on 1st March 2025 with a closing date 31st May 2025.

The World Championship is limited to 86 entries with places allocated to each qualifying country association. We know the World Championship is attracting great interest across the various countries with entries expected from New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Spain, France, Belgium, Ireland and possibly Canada. In the UK the qualification events took place during 2024, and places have already been allocated. There will, as at previous Worlds, be a limited numbers of places available and allocated following the results from UK National Championship held the week before the World Championship.

This year FFI have asked WPSNA to host an International Championship to run in parallel to the Worlds. Its aim is to be  a fun and relaxed event with no qualification necessary, so really is open to all, importantly those entering this event will benefit from the social events of the Worlds  and be a part of  the ‘World Championship’ experience, so an ideal event for those that in future years may wish to enter a Worlds or for any  ff Club sailor just wishing to join in the fun. There is no qualification required for this event and as its intention, as mentioned already is to be a relaxed event, so the racing part while still important is just one part of the event.  The sailing will all be within the protected Portland harbour.

 This event is targeted for Classic, Silver and Open Fleets who either do not wish to compete in the World Championship, or did not qualify, and to be a taster for those for the future.

There will of course be trophies awarded for the winners of the Classic, Silver and Open Fleets.

After discussion at the Fremantle World Championship the overall event has been slightly shortened in days, allowing competitors from all countries the need to take two weeks leave. The other change will be the number of races, the UK National Championship will have 6 races and the World Championship 10 races. The International Championship will have 6 races.

As always, the ff Class is looking ahead, and in 2026 FFI are working on plans to hold the European Championship in Palma, Mallorca, during October, still pleasantly warm, but after the busy holiday season. The Spanish Flying Fifteen Association are actively making plans. We will confirm dates later this year.

Chris Waples - FFI Commodore


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