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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

President's Letter for April
Jeremy Arnold 537

President's Letter for April

Bill looks at recent successes and future events

It only seems like yesterday I was writing my last newsletter piece, right after a successful Dinghy Show. In fact, a couple of months have passed since then and we’re well into the sailing season.

The Fifteen class was well represented at the Ovington Inlands back in March, with Nathan Batchelor and Richard Rigg coming out on top of our fleet, in their brand new boat (I’m sure I saw them still screwing fixings on in the boat park on the Saturday morning!). As I write this I see there was also a great turnout at Windermere this weekend - report later in this newsletter.

Away from our own circuit, Fifteen sailors have had success at other events. Notably, at a highly competitive Etchells Worlds in Fremantle, a fantastic 3rd overall for Graham Vials, Andrew Lawson and Billy Russell. Watching the event videos certainly brought back some memories of our own Worlds at the same venue last year.

And hot off the press, the Keelboat Endeavour at Burnham over the weekend of April 20/21 was won by the Flying Fifteen team led by National Champion Ben McGrane.

Next up is the Europeans in France, in early May. Work and other commitments mean I can’t make it to this one, but I understand there is a healthy entry with every national FF fleet in Europe represented. Last time we were in Crozon-Morgat (the 2015 Worlds) was a really enjoyable event, so I’m confident everyone will have a great time.

Later in May, the Bulwark Trophy at Hayling is always a good one, and then we’re on to the championship events and qualifying for next year’s Worlds. Whether you have that in your sights, or you’re focusing on club sailing or one of our travellers series, enjoy your sailing and thanks for being part of the Flying Fifteen class.

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