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UKFFA National Championships 2021

Entries now open and rules for the event

We know you are all keen to get sailing again and after much negotiation and discussion RYA Scotland have, at last, obtained guidance from the Scottish government outlining the conditions which will apply to large regattas run under the current Covid-19 restrictions.  The good news is that this means we can confirm that the 2021 Flying Fifteen National Championships will proceed. We appreciate that this comes fairly late in the day and appreciate your patience. RNCYC looks forward to welcoming you at the end of June for what promises to be a fantastic event.

Many of you will know that the area of the Clyde, known locally as The East Patch, offers outstanding sailing waters and is just a short distance from Rhu marina, where the event will be based. We have four days of racing planned and, with a bit of luck if the restrictions continue to be relaxed, some good old Scottish hospitality.

For operational reasons, and to underpin some of the procedures we need to adopt under the Covid-19 protocols, boats will be berthed in the marina. A methodology has been developed that will hold the boats off the pontoons and rope will be provided to facilitate this.

Launching and recovery will be by kind permission of the RNLI who have granted us limited access to their excellent slipway. Launching of a small number of boats can be accommodated on the Thursday morning before racing but this will be by prior arrangement only. Crews are encouraged to arrive on Wednesday afternoon to launch and proceed to their allotted space in the marina. Currently it is anticipated that we shall have to group boats into bubbles and the procedure for doing this, and keeping the bubbles separate, will be advised on arrival. If you wish to reserve a slot to launch on Thursday morning, please email [email protected]

There are still a couple of spaces remaining for campervans/motorhomes and these are available on a first come basis.

The Notice of Race and Entry Form are available are available here

There also a list of accommodation here

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club & UK Flying Fifteen Association

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Keith Jamieson

The organisers of the Nationals have made special arrangement with the RNLI for the launching, this will only be available on Thursday for a VERY limited number of boats and by prior arrangement. If at all possible all competitors should be arriving on Wednesday and launching then

Keith Jamieson

Just a heads up the late entry fee for this event kicks in after Friday 4th of June, best get on with it!

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