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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

Day 1 British Isles Championships
Keith Jamieson 1054

Day 1 British Isles Championships

A mixed bag with some highly frustrated sailors in the bar

Day 1
40 boats entered for the nationals being staged in Strangford Lough.

The forecast was for light winds building later to F2/3, but with the added pressure of low tide around the time the boats would be coming back to shore, the race officer took the boats out to the course area for a 12 noon start which resulted in a two-hour delay whilst the wind dropped and then re-established itself from the south.

Race 1 suffered a few false starts whilst the fleets enthusiasm was tamed. Having got away cleanly at last the fleet split as usual into two. There was no clear indication as to the right way to the windward mark but soon shifting winds made their impact and on the first beat, Pinnell and Caddy emerged from the middle of the course to lead at the windward mark. There was a right shift and increased pressure as the fleet approached the windward mark. Wells/Tulloch rounded 5th but were the first to gybe and this proved to be a winning manoeuvre as they were first to round 2P and head to the favoured right side and into the lead which they held to the finish with Pinnell/Cadwallader second and Vials/Turner third.

Race 2 also took a few goes to get started, as much due to the shifting winds as to the eager fleet. Pinnell and Caddy started at the Committee Boat and were first to tack and head to the new southerly breeze under the island on the right.  They were first to pick up this breeze and led nicely at the windward mark from the Apthorps.  The race officer adjusted the course for the 2nd beat and Pinnell and Caddy extended their lead to win comfortably.  There was some great racing in the pack with plenty of place changes. At the finish Pinnell/Cadwallader took line honours from the Apthorps with Vials/Turner bagging another third place.

Overnight the Pinnell/Cadwallader team led Vials/Turner with MacCarthy/McNally in third place with a 5th and 6th place. Thursday’s forecast was promising a better day.

Day 1 results 

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