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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

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UK Global Flying 15 Nationals Final Results

Days 3 & 4 not sailed - "Lack of Fuel"

The forecast was not promising for the last 2 days of racing at the 2021 UK Global Flying 15 National Championships, and it proved correct. Both days racing were abandoned as un-sailable due to lack of wind.

Some competitors even anticipated the decision for Sunday by hauling their boats out on the Saturday.

The event was therefore decided over 5 races ensuring 1 discard in the results (see full results attached to this report).

The 2021 UK Global Flying 15 National Champions are Graham Vials and Chris Turner (1,3,3,1) leading from Jeremy Davy and Martin Huett (2,2,2,5) who were just one point ahead of Greg Wells and David Tulloch (1,4,4,3).

Jeremy and Martin also won the prize for the first helm and crew with a combined age of 100+, to their evident delight! I am sure that Steve Goacher was happy to hand this prize over to someone else.

The Silver Fleet championship was taken by John Hanson and Helen Selden in FF2260 Forever Fish.

The prize for the first lady was won by Jackie McKellar crewing for Justin Waples.

All Images used in this article are courtesy of Neill Ross for more images and for picture sales visit or contact Neill on [email protected]





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