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UK Flying 15 News

UKFFA Annual General Meeting
Jeremy Arnold 2385

UKFFA Annual General Meeting

Updated article with AGM Presentation included


This year's AGM was held successfully last week and a copy of the slides that accompanied the meeting is provided below for those that were unable to attend

Notice of UKFFA 2021 AGM

We are delighted to advise we are able to hold an AGM on Thursday 24th June 1800-1930 hours either in person at RNCYC's Marquee at Rhu Marina, or via Zoom. Please do join in!

The following documents will be available to download from the website by Monday 20th June, and this article updated with links to each of them - please be sure to check back then

  • Agenda
    • Minutes 0f 2019 AGM (Parkstone)
      We look forward to welcoming you - either in person on Thursday at Rhu Marina, or via Zoom, to this year's AGM and lively discussion.

      Keith Jamieson
      UKFFA Secretary and Treasurer

      18th June 2021
      Some notes on the above

      Just to confirm that a physical AGM meeting will take place during the Nationals as normal, albeit with Covid rules in place as is to be expected. Apologies for the delay in being able to issue the notice of meeting whilst we awaited assurances on this point.

      Remote participation by Zoom should be possible - please check website for more info in due course.

      We draw your particular attention to the "Roles within UKFFA" document - please give some thought before the meeting to whether you can help!

      Finally, if you haven't renewed your membership yet please do so now to be eligible to attend the meeting and vote on the issues that affect your sailing.


      Membership Cards & Newsletters

      We would also like to take this opportunity to thank members for their continued and highly valued support, especially after a year of no events and very little sailing.

      As a consequence of this limited activity we have had very little to actually write about and record in class records and therefore took the pragmatic decision not to send out the usual cards, yearbook & stickers this year.

      Like so many other organisations we are also looking to do more on-line generally, and for instance you'll have no-doubt noticed ther greatly expanded use of email newsletters this year. We do hope you enjoy receiving these and we also encourage you to distribute them to your club-mates and anyone else who might not have seen them.

      Members can register here to receive information electronically from UKFFA, and remember that doing this also helps the Association reduce costs and allows us to put more of your subscriptions back into events as well as continuing to promote the class.

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