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Southern Travellers final event

Broxbourne SC 8th and 9th October

Winners - John Hanson and Helen Seldon from Datchet
Saturday was a lovely sunny day but the westerly wind was light at best with big shifts and every so often it dropped to nothing. The race officer wisely decided to hold only two races on Saturday and postponed the third race to Sunday when the forecast was much better. Two visiting boats and nine home boats took part. The first race was won by John Hanson and Helen Seldon from Datchet, followed by Toby Cooper and Mick Musgrave from Broxbourne in second. In the second race, John and Helen finished in the lead again, a pattern that was to be repeated in every race! This time, it was Brian Turner and Jackie Burns from the home club who finished second. After racing, competitors socialised in the clubhouse and sat down to a fish and chip supper.
Sunday was another sunny day but the stronger more consistent wind from the south made for much better sailing. In the first race of the day, Neil Bartholomy and Tom Vessey from Middle Nene came second after John and Helen. In the final two races, second places went to Toby and Mick and Brian and Jackie. Lower down in the fleet, there was strong competition between four home boats with much place changing and small differences in total points. John and Helen were the decisive winners overall with Brian and Jackie second and Toby and Mick third. Full results and photos can be viewed on the Broxbourne SC website.

Report by Bob Tait

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