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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

Keith Jamieson 1691

National Championship 24th - 27th June RN&CYC

Expression of Interest

We can all hope that Covid-19 restrictions will have been relaxed or, who knows, even totally lifted by the time of the Nationals.  The RN&CYC are very keen to run the event and, in order to be ready for at least some remaining restrictions, they are basing their planning on the assumption that either of the two lowest tiers in Scotland may still apply.

The Club are confident that if either of these lowest tiers, Levels 0 or 1, were to apply then they will be able to run the event but they have asked us to draw to your attention to the following key points arising from the Covid rules as at January or which are necessary to comply with the rules:

  1. Travel to the area may be restricted from higher risk areas.
  2. Car sharing for travel to the event may be subject to varying rules applying in different areas along your route.
  3. Changing rooms and showers will be closed under any Level.
  4. This will be a wet sailed event. Once launched all boats will remain safely moored in the marina until the event has finished. A boat may be brought ashore only with the permission of the race committee, e.g. for necessary repairs.
  5. If Argyll & Bute is in Level 0, an event not too different from normal will be possible.
  6. If Argyll & Bute is in Level 1, the position is similar to Level 0 but accommodation cannot be shared by members of a different household.
  7. Social events should be possible to the extent that outdoor hospitality is allowed under the Level 0 and 1 rules.

A Notice of Race will be issued but in the meantime, a link to a list of accommodation is posted on the UKFFA website Fixture List.


Taking this into consideration, it would be very helpful if we could give the Club could an indication at this early stage of how many entries they should be planning for.  It would be greatly appreciated if those of you who would hope to enter would complete the survey, please include a sail number even if this might change.

If you are NOT planning on attending it will help us to keep track of responses if you could still complete the survey. You can, of course, always change your mind.

Please click the link here this will take you to our survey monkey page. Click Here

Very many thanks and I hope that you are able to complete the survey straight away.

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Keith Jamieson

Ok folks we've had good results from the survey 40 so far. The only problem is that is the max we can get on Survey Monkey Free service and we can't afford the paid version. We are trying to get a workaround so standby for more updates.

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