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UK Flying 15 News

Allen UK Flying Fifteen Association Inland Championship 2023
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Allen UK Flying Fifteen Association Inland Championship 2023

2nd-3rd September

We’re looking forward to a busy September to end the championship season, with the Nationals at Weymouth on 21-24 September but before that the Inlands coming up soon: 2-3 September at Chew Valley.

Online entry is open now, until 29 August. Late entries may be accepted on the day but please try to enter early to help with planning. The entry fee includes bacon & egg rolls and coffee or tea on arrival, plus a Saturday evening meal for helm and crew.

We have generous sponsorship from Allen, and there will be prizes throughout the fleet.

Enter now via WebCollect where you can also find the Notice of Race and camper van booking form if needed.

Don’t forget to also complete a scrutineering self-declaration form.


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