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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

2023 Championship Fixtures announced
Jeremy Arnold 1646

2023 Championship Fixtures announced

Six UK events, from the Solway Firth to Weymouth Bay

The UK Flying Fifteen Association have announced their calendar of championship events that span the country from the Solway Firth in the North to Weymouth Bay in the South.

The Championship season gets underway a bit later than normal to allow time for UK boats attending the World Championships in Freemantle, Australia, to find their way back to the UK.

The UK events kick off in late May with the Southern Championships at Hayling Island SC, home of one of the country’s most active Flying Fifteen fleets

Three weeks later the focus turns to the other end of the country with the Scottish Championships held on the scenic and challenging waters of the Solway Yacht Club - another club with a long association with the class and a great favourite of Uffa Fox himself back in the day.

Mid-July will see a fleet of eager Flying Fifteens converge on the charming waters of Ullswater Yacht Club for the Northerns, which is always one of the best-supported regional championships of the year.

In a new departure for 2023 the class will be holding a stand-alone National Championship for the older Classic and Silver-fleet boats; previously these fleets held their Championships alongside those of the modern boats, but this meant a sailing at a sea venue which was known to deter some older boats from taking part. Additionally, a surprising number of Flying Fifteen sailors own both modern (‘Gold fleet’) boats and Classic boats, and having two separate Championships will allow these sailors to take part in both events rather than having to choose between them.

The Flying Fifteen Classic & Silver fleet Championships will take place in August during “Bass Week” at Bassenthwaite Sailing Club, and so perhaps will also offer a lower-key and more family-orientated event than is the case at the Gold fleet Nationals .

The regional championships continue with the Inlands at Chew Valley Lake SC in early September, following which all eyes will be on the big one taking place three weeks later – the main class National Championships at Weymouth and Portland, sponsored by UK Global. The WPNSA needs no introduction as the UK’s premier dinghy sailing venue and it’s fitting that they’ll be hosting the premier event in the 2023 Flying Fifteen calendar. What’s more WPNSA will also be hosting the 2025 Flying Fifteen World Championships, so next year’s event will provide an opportunity for UK sailors to get some early practice!
  Venue Dates
Southern Championship Hayling Island Sailing Club 27-28 May 2023
Scottish Championship Solway Yacht Club 17-18 June 2023
Northern Championship Ullswater Yacht Club 15-16 July 2023
Inland Championship Chew Valley Sailing Club 2-3 September 2023
National Championship WPNSA 21-24 September 2023
Classic Championship Bassenthwaite Sailing Club 5-6 August 2023
The usual full programme of regular Flying Fifteen open meetings, race weeks and regional traveller series will also be on offer of course – for all fixture dates and details please visit the UK class association website at
Alastair Stevenson, UKFFA Fixtures Co-ordinator

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