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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

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UK Flying 15 News

2021 Inlands at Chew Valley SC
Jeremy Arnold 2495

2021 Inlands at Chew Valley SC

Invitation and Information

Inland Championship – October 9/10 – Chew Valley Lake SC

Postponed from May, and now only a couple of months away, the Inlands at Chew on October 9 & 10 will be the last championship event of the year, and we’re working hard to make sure it’s a good one!

The NoR and full details of the programme will soon be available, but as a preview we’re looking at:

Two days of top-level competition

Fantastic scenery and sailing conditions (it’s always windy and warm at Chew in October)

Easy (and dry) launch and recovery - by slipway, winch and pontoon

Chew’s new catering team to keep you fuelled throughout

The bar has reopened after COVID restrictions, with free beer to celebrate 😊

For more information, keep an eye on the UKFFA fixtures page, Chew’s Open Events page (, or contact Bill Chard (07901 826589 or email).

We look forward to seeing you all for a great event.

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