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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

Jeremy Arnold 3182

2021 Rule Change Ballot

Proposals for changes to Flying Fifteen Class rules

Rule Change Proposals and Members’ Ballot

Throughout it’s 70-year history the Flying Fifteen class has operated a policy of carefully managed evolution, with the result being a class that has not just survived but that has continued to thrive as sailing fashions – and rival designs - have come and gone. This evolution requires periodic tweaks to the class rules and a considerable amount of background work has gone into the preparation of the latest batch of rule change proposals. We now ask that all UKFFA members spend some time considering, and then voting-on, these proposals.

The rule-change ballot is of course conducted by the International Flying Fifteen Association (FFI), but in fact most of the current rule change proposals have come from UK members via the UK Class Association.

The ‘RULE CHANGE BALLOT EXPLANATION’ document (see link at bottom of page)  has been produced by FFI and, for each rule change proposal, presents the current wording of the rule, the proposed new wording, and a brief explanation of the reason & intent of the change.

UKFFA strongly endorses these proposals to it’s members


COMPLETE YOUR BALLOT NOW (Link to voting form)


Note that the closing date for voting is 11th October - please act promptly!


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