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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

Keith Jamieson 1537

1st April

Or Membership Renewal

It's getting to that time of year again when we are beginning to think about sailing again, this year in particular some of us might not have seen our boats for over a year.  As the new roadmap out of the Covid-19 restrictions emerges it does appear that we actually might be able to get back to sailing again, with something that might even resemble a full season.  We at FF HQ are certainly hoping so and we are busily planning some championships, if everything goes to plan we will be pretty much business as usual, though with some restrictions.  

We really did appreciate that last year almost all members renewed their subscription to the association, and as we said at the time membership of a class association is not a simple customer consumer relationship; we are an affinity organisation.  This allows us to work to support you, promote the class, maintain the website, organise events, support the one-design nature of the class, and help support Flying Fifteen International. 

The membership renewal is coming round again, and as every year subs will be due on the 1st of April, some of you keen lovely people have renewed already.  So before you get your boat out to begin your fun filled season, please remember to do a couple of things.

1) Renew your subscription and 2) Renew your insurance with UK Global the class insurance scheme.

We have a page dedicated to membership and if you do not already have a standing order, or Paypal regular payment set up please go to this section of the website here and fill in your details.  You will also notice that we have teamed up with GoCardless to collect your subs.  This will save the association a great deal in fees, so if you use Paypal please consider, cancelling this payment method and set up a regular payment via GoCardless.  If you use standing orders please continue as this is still the most cost effective way of paying your subs.  

If you need to renew your insurance you can also do this with UK Global who have managed to negotiate a discount in premiums and continue to do an excellent job for the class.  UK Global also supports our championship series and the Nationals with direct financial support.  Please visit the insurance page on the website here  



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