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Southern Travellers leader chart
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Southern Travellers leader chart

Where do you sit after 3 races

Results are provisional as of 18:28 on May 30, 2022


Sailed: 3, Discards: 1, To count: 2, Entries: 37, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank SailNo Club HelmName CrewName Bewl Valley SA Datchet SC Aldeburgh YC Total Nett
1st 4004 Hayling Island SC Charles Apthorp David Rickard, Timothy Apthorp (38.0 DNC) 3.0 3.0 44.0 6.0
2nd 4033 RCYC, RHYC Justin Waples Jackie McKellar (38.0 DNC) 6.0 8.0 52.0 14.0
3rd 3844 AYC Duncan Matthew John Chalker (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 1.0 77.0 39.0
4th 4089 Royal Thames YC Andrew Lawson Angus Galloway (38.0 DNC) 1.0 38.0 DNC 77.0 39.0
5th 3898 Bewl SA Colin Nutt Chris Hough 1.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 77.0 39.0
6th 3699 AYC Jeremy Young Henry Gordon-Jones (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 2.0 78.0 40.0
7th 4030 Hayling Island SC Greg Wells David Tulloch (38.0 DNC) 2.0 38.0 DNC 78.0 40.0
8th 3842 Bewl SA Mike Blacklee Jamie Blacklee 2.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 78.0 40.0
9th 3954 Bewl SA Andy Clark Agnes Clark 3.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 79.0 41.0
10th 3764 AYC Chris Spark Emma Spark (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 4.0 80.0 42.0
11th 4094 Datchet Water SC John Hanson Helen Seldon (38.0 DNC) 4.0 38.0 DNC 80.0 42.0
12th 3911 Bewl SA John Wardrop Mark Munday 4.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 80.0 42.0
13th 3467 AYC Nick Barker Matt Lis (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 5.0 81.0 43.0
14th 4085   Shane MacCarthy Jeff Edwards (38.0 DNC) 5.0 38.0 DNC 81.0 43.0
15th 4041 Bewl SA Simon Cooper Al Cooper 5.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 81.0 43.0
16th 4051 Broxbourne SC Bob Tait Peter Comber (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 6.0 82.0 44.0
17th 3053 Bewl SA Keith Bromhead Jim Vince / Charlie Evans 6.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 82.0 44.0
18th 3826 AYC Adam Oliver Clare Oliver (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 7.0 83.0 45.0
19th 4096 Northampton SC Ian Pinnell Ian Cadwalader (38.0 DNC) 7.0 38.0 DNC 83.0 45.0
20th 3769 Bewl SA Robin Taylor Peter Cutts 7.0 (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 83.0 45.0
21st 3862 Datchet Water SC Alastair Stevenson David CUlpan (38.0 DNC) 8.0 38.0 DNC 84.0 46.0
22nd 3707 Broxbourne SC Brian Turner Jackie Burns (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 9.0 85.0 47.0
23rd 3820 Chew Valley Russell Abrahams Julian Smith (38.0 DNC) 9.0 38.0 DNC 85.0 47.0
24th 3487 AYC Robin Alexander Olly Bolus (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 10.0 86.0 48.0
25th 3875 Rickmansworth Brett Dingwall Ben Dingwall (38.0 DNC) 10.0 38.0 DNC 86.0 48.0
26th 3695 AYC Anthony Hinton Simon Gerrish (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 11.0 87.0 49.0
27th 4069 Chew Valley Bill Chard Josh Preater (38.0 DNC) 11.0 38.0 DNC 87.0 49.0
28th 3689 AYC David Copp sarah Zinns (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 12.0 88.0 50.0
29th 4027 Datchet Water SC Michael Clapp Una-Jane Winfield (38.0 DNC) 12.0 38.0 DNC 88.0 50.0
30th 3485 AYC George Sylvester Aaron O'Kelly (38.0 DNC) 38.0 DNC 13.0 89.0 51.0
31st 4011 Datchet Water SC Richard Jones Howard Shawyer (38.0 DNC) 13.0 38.0 DNC 89.0 51.0
32nd 3904 Parkstone YC Mervyn Wright Jon Christensen (38.0 DNC) 14.0 38.0 DNC 90.0 52.0
33rd 3652 Datchet Water SC Colin Walters Charles Walters (38.0 DNC) 15.0 38.0 DNC 91.0 53.0
34th 3536 Datchet Water SC Angus Scott Phillip Snowden (38.0 DNC) 16.0 38.0 DNC 92.0 54.0
35th 3969 Cowes Corinthian SC Peter Card Stephen Card (38.0 DNC) 17.0 38.0 DNC 93.0 55.0
36th 2260 Datchet Water SC Ian Duke Simon Etter (38.0 DNC) 18.0 38.0 DNC 94.0 56.0
37th 4024 GWSC Simon Kneller Ashley Painter (38.0 DNC) 19.0 38.0 DNC 95.0 57.0

Bewl Valley SA

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank SailNo Club HelmName CrewName Place Points
1 3898 Bewl SA Colin Nutt Chris Hough 1 1.0
2 3842 Bewl SA Mike Blacklee Jamie Blacklee 2 2.0
3 3954 Bewl SA Andy Clark Agnes Clark 3 3.0
4 3911 Bewl SA John Wardrop Mark Munday 4 4.0
5 4041 Bewl SA Simon Cooper Al Cooper 5 5.0
6 3053 Bewl SA Keith Bromhead Jim Vince / Charlie Evans 6 6.0
7 3769 Bewl SA Robin Taylor Peter Cutts 7 7.0

Datchet SC

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank SailNo Club HelmName CrewName Place Points
1 4089 Royal Thames YC Andrew Lawson Angus Galloway 1 1.0
2 4030 Hayling Island SC Greg Wells David Tulloch 2 2.0
3 4004 Hayling Island SC Charles Apthorp David Rickard, Timothy Apthorp 3 3.0
4 4094 Datchet Water SC John Hanson Helen Seldon 4 4.0
5 4085   Shane MacCarthy Jeff Edwards 5 5.0
6 4033 RCYC, RHYC Justin Waples Jackie McKellar 6 6.0
7 4096 Northampton SC Ian Pinnell Ian Cadwalader 7 7.0
8 3862 Datchet Water SC Alastair Stevenson David CUlpan 8 8.0
9 3820 Chew Valley Russell Abrahams Julian Smith 9 9.0
10 3875 Rickmansworth Brett Dingwall Ben Dingwall 10 10.0
11 4069 Chew Valley Bill Chard Josh Preater 11 11.0
12 4027 Datchet Water SC Michael Clapp Una-Jane Winfield 12 12.0
13 4011 Datchet Water SC Richard Jones Howard Shawyer 13 13.0
14 3904 Parkstone YC Mervyn Wright Jon Christensen 14 14.0
15 3652 Datchet Water SC Colin Walters Charles Walters 15 15.0
16 3536 Datchet Water SC Angus Scott Phillip Snowden 16 16.0
17 3969 Cowes Corinthian SC Peter Card Stephen Card 17 17.0
18 2260 Datchet Water SC Ian Duke Simon Etter 18 18.0
19 4024 GWSC Simon Kneller Ashley Painter 19 19.0

Aldeburgh YC

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank SailNo Club HelmName CrewName Place Points
1 3844 AYC Duncan Matthew John Chalker 1 1.0
2 3699 AYC Jeremy Young Henry Gordon-Jones 2 2.0
3 4004 Hayling Island SC Charles Apthorp David Rickard, Timothy Apthorp 3 3.0
4 3764 AYC Chris Spark Emma Spark 4 4.0
5 3467 AYC Nick Barker Matt Lis 5 5.0
6 4051 Broxbourne SC Bob Tait Peter Comber 6 6.0
7 3826 AYC Adam Oliver Clare Oliver 7 7.0
8 4033 RCYC, RHYC Justin Waples Jackie McKellar 8 8.0
9 3707 Broxbourne SC Brian Turner Jackie Burns 9 9.0
10 3487 AYC Robin Alexander Olly Bolus 10 10.0
11 3695 AYC Anthony Hinton Simon Gerrish 11 11.0
12 3689 AYC David Copp sarah Zinns 12 12.0
13 3485 AYC George Sylvester Aaron O'Kelly 13 13.0

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