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HISC - Bulwark Trophy

May 25th -26th 2024

HISC is one of the leading competitive sailing clubs in the UK and is one of only four RYA coastal Centres of Excellence.
The club sits in a stunning position at the entrance to Chichester Harbour with access to the water and open sea at all states of the tide.
The modern clubhouse has wide and welcoming balconies with panoramic views, beaches and picnic areas as well as a barista café, a large bar, restaurant and snack bar. Accommodation is offered at the club for visitors and members.
Dinner for competitors can be booked, and there is a highly-specialist dinghy chandlery on-site, open at weekends.

The Bulwark Trophy OM has a place in history in the Flying 15 calendar. We are offering bay championship-style racing on some of Britain’s best sailing waters with the capacity to welcome a large number of competitors. The club has a large and flourishing fleet of Flying 15s with some of the most recognised members in UK and international events. We have successfully hosted several major Flying 15 championships in the past including the Worlds in 2011, the Nationals in 2016 and 2022, and the Southerns in 2014, 2018 and 2023. 

May 25th -26th 2024
The entry fee per boat is a very reasonable £70 (or £80 after 15th May).


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