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News about the UK Flying Fifteen fleet

What is going on in the world of UK Flying Fifteens

UK Flying 15 News

Keith Jamieson 1882

Grafham Open

Incorporating the Classic and Silver Fleet Inlands

Next weekend (12/13 June) is the Grafham FF Open alongside the Classic and Silver Inland Championships. Please could you circulate this message to your fleets? If you are thinking of coming to the Grafham FF Open or Classic and Silver Inland Championship 12/13th June, but not quite decided ...As I’m sure you know, Grafham is a great place to sail, is easy to get to, has excellent facilities (including on-site camping for tents and camper vans) and holds many well run major events each year. Changing rooms will be open, the cafe will be open all day for breakfast and lunch, and there will be a bar and pre-booked meal on Saturday after racing. We have an FAQ at  to answer questions on our Coronavirus procedures with a guide for changing room access, the cafe for breakfast and lunch, plus the top deck for the after racing meal and bar on Saturday. The full Covid-19 operating procedures can be found at entry and NoR are at: The main entry closes on 9th June with a late entry deadline of 11th June. Saturday meal can be pre-booked at: To help with planning for the bar and meal, these must be booked by 9th June. Camping and camper van bookings can be made at: to see many of you there,

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