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UK Flying 15 News

Burnham Flying Fifteen Open
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Burnham Flying Fifteen Open

June 17th & 8th

For those now finalizing your ff Open meeting plans, please can you put the below on the ‘to go to’ list.  It’s two weeks after the Aldeburgh Open, so hopefully an East Coast Road/River Tour for a few.
If at all possible, it would be great if you could log your entry with the Club, either by filling this form out, or emailing Kate in the Club office, or phone 01621 782105 if you need any guidance.
The launching is up at the marina, there’s a lovely wide ramp, and we’ll all launch on the Saturday morning, and recover on the Sunday after sailing.  Both will be a High tide, so making it easier (anyone would have thought we’d planned it).
Coffee and a bacon roll will be waiting for you  at the Burnham Marina on Saturday am before the briefing. The racing will be a mix of river courses starting/finishing from a Committee boat, with windward/lewards too, so something for everything.
As our ff President mentioned last year with an enormous grin on his face, “how many times do you get a 2 mile broad reach with 15 knots to the 1st turning mark ~ fantastic"
We’ll have a supper for all in the Club on the Saturday evening.
Please note the boats will be staying in the marina overnight, so no hassle recovering and re-launching etc.
And we’ll have plenty of spot prices kindly donate by Allen too.
Look forward to seeing you all there, any questions please do not hesitate to call me.

Please spread the word at your Clubs too.
M: 077 699 048 44

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