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Flying 15s for Sale in the UK fleet

For Sale and Wanted/Flying 15s for Sale
These are only the boats advertised with the UK Association. Other boats may be for sale in fleets around the country.

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The management!

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Boats (and Gear) For Sale Listings

FF 3944 - £10500
SuperUser Account 107

FF 3944 - £10500

Ovington X hull in good condition

Ovington X hull in good condition. Minor chips on gunnels ( see photos).
Selden mast and boom
Original  main and a genoa jib  plus new high profile jib. hardly used.
Lightweight spinnaker in good condition 
No tears or splits in any sail and all have sail bags
Bow chute for spinnaker and rigged for rocket launching pole.
Carbon fibre end to end spinnaker pole available if preferred.
Buoyancy bags in all hatches, paddle and anchor.
Rudder in pristine condition, no marks
Very good condition mast-up cover. Transporting hull cover in good condition.
Good trailer in roadworthy condition  Ten year old  trailer, free running and sound (less) hubs.
Hubs replaced once since new.

Available for viewing at Rutland Sailing Club.
Contact Alastair Scammell on 07580305452

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